VKC Spring/Summer PreSales & Check In Starts Today!

VKC Check-In Starts Today!

During the day on Friday all the clothes racks will be set up, the tables will be prepared, everything (with the help of our great volunteers) will be ready and CHECK-IN STARTS TODAY!

Over the next two & a half days, our AMAZING volunteer workers will be checking in over 6,000 items and arranging them in a neat, organized arrangement to make it easy for you to gGET YOUR SHOP ON!

Victoria Kids Consignment Sale IS GOING TO BLOW YOU AWAY WITH Deals, deals, deals!

Brand name new or gently used items for a fraction of their retail cost! All Items WILL be checked prior to the sale for quality & cleanliness. You’ll see an organized sales floor set up similarly to a department store, we’ll of course have friendly staff waiting to help you find those great bargains.

We encourage you to bring a larger bag, a laundry basket, a box—whatever you choose—to haul all your goodies home with you. (Bring your hubbies/partners if you plan on buying furniture or large items. (To help you get them to your vehicles). We encourage you to arrive early! The most sought-after items will sell quickly. AND make a shopping list of items (& sizes) you need most before you come to the sale.

We WILL accept Interac, Visa, Mastercard and Cash at all our Sales!

Where: Pearkes Arena 3100 Tillicum Rd. Saanich, BC V9A 6T2

April 15, 2011
Volunteer Presale: 5:00pm-6:00pm
Consignor Presale: 6:00pm-7:00pm
First Time Parents/Grandparents Presale: 7:00pm-8:00pm

April 16, 2011
General Public Sale: 10:00am-6:00pm

April 17, 2011
General Public 1/2 Price Sale: 9:00am-1:00pm

Stay tuned for more info on this weekend’s Sale on our blog at VictoriaKidsConsignment.ca

Any questions please contact me at 250-514-4080 or vkcsale@gmail.com.

Looking forward to seeing you over the next 3 days!


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