Volunteers are really the ones who make Victoria Kids Consignment sales a success. You do not need to be a consignor to volunteer your time. You are more than welcome to volunteer your husband/partner if you are not available. We can always use some muscles for set-up and tear-down. Click here to sign up for a volunteer shift.
Consignor Check-In: Thursday, Friday
- Help consignors unload their items for verification
- Make certain consignors bin is clearly labeled with their consignor number & name
- Place verified items in their appropriate sections for the sale; rearrange items on tables/racks as more items are dropped off
During the Sale: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Help maintain organized tables & clothing racks
- Monitor the Hold Area
- Guide shoppers through the check-out line & /or assist cashiers with check-out process
- Your position can vary throughout your volunteer shift
Tear-Down: Sunday
- Sort unsold items by consignor number into corresponding bins
- Help disassemble clothing racks &/or fold tables